Bandy Bandy

Snakes of South East Queensland

Bandy Bandy

Vermicella annulata
Other common names: ‘Hoop’ Snake.
Bandy Bandy

Species Profile

Significance to Humans:

Moderately venomous
Was once considered weakly venomous with localised symptoms around bite area. However a recent bite to a herpetologist resulted in a significant systemic response which may mean the species is more dangerous than once thought. In lieu of this all bites from this species should be considered medically significant.
Generally considered harmless due to small size of mouth & inoffensive nature.

General description:

Smooth scaled, glossy snake with distinctive pattern of sharply contrasting black and white rings that continue right around the body. Snout black, rounded. Short, blunt tail. Small eyes. Midbody scales at 15 rows.

Average Length:

50-60 cm.

Habitat in SE Qld:

Founds across a wide range of habitats and vegetation types, from coastal forest & woodland, to scrub land, mulga and outback desert.

General habits:

Nocturnal, burrowing snake, found beneath the soil surface, under stumps, rocks & logs. Emerges at night to forage, especially after rain. Unique alarm posture of holding braced loops of body off ground.


Feeds on Ramphotyphlops sp (Blind Snakes)

Local distribution:

Favours periphery suburbs with woodland habitats such as Mt Cotton, Mt Crosby, Kholo, Brisbane & Lockyer Valleys. Most common in areas of remnant habitat structure such as the foothills of Mt Glorious and Brisbane Forest Park.

Around the home:

Infrequently encountered. Occasional specimens discovered by roaming cats at night or often found after falling into backyard swimming pools. Prefers subterranean refugia under large rocks or deeply set ground timber.

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